Files generated by Dungbeetle
- Assets/Plugins/Dungbeetle/Editor/Config/Config.asset:
- Stores all connection information. Edited in the connection config window.
- Assets/Plugins/Dungbeetle/Editor/Config/EditorReporterConfig.asset:
- Stores the most recently entered email address in a bugreport during play mode in Unity.
- Assets/Plugins/Dungbeetle/Resources/ReporterConnectionConfig.asset:
- Stores a subsection of Config.asset, allowing game builds to connect.
- <DungbeetleHome>/ServerPreferences.yaml:
- Generated when building a standalone server. If you need to change a server config after that, edit ServerPreferences.yaml in a text editor and restart the server.
- DungbeetleServer/DungbeetleDatabase.sqlite:
- Generated if needed by the in-editor server. Not needed otherwise.
- DungbeetleServer/Screenshots:
- Generated if needed by the in-editor server. Not needed otherwise.
Recommended .gitignore for git repositories etc.
# Files generated by the in-editor server. (Which you should also turn off).
# Cache for auto-filling the email field when reporting from within Unity.